Our Story
In March of 1836, eleven believers began gathering in the home of Benjamin Mattison, and they became “Friendship Church.” Before they had even settled into a building of their own, this young church felt God’s leading to plant a new church, and in 1840 they started the mission “Antioch Baptist Church” on Macintosh Road.
Present day Antioch Baptist Church
In 1841, Friendship Church built a small log meeting house on the property off West 9th Street where Skinner’s Body Shop is today. In June of 1860, they moved to the current location on East Oak Street and renamed themselves, “Oxford Baptist Church,” then in 1949, they finally settled on the name, “First Baptist Church of Oxford.”
First Chapel of First Baptist Oxford
As the Civil War concluded, Oxford Baptist Church began the mission in Hobson City called New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, an African American congregation, and former pastor S.G. Jenkins was their founding pastor. We had the honor of joining with New Hope in 2015 as they celebrated 150 years as a church. Missions and Church Planting has been in our history from the very beginning. In fact, in November of 1869, Oxford Baptist Church was the host for the Alabama Baptist State Convention.
Present day New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
In 1910, the church was growing and the original brick chapel was built as the main Sanctuary.
Original brick chapel (First Baptist Oxford)
In 1935, the church felt led to start another mission, and Lakeview Baptist Church began. Four years later we planted Blue Springs Baptist Church, in 1939. We were incredibly passionate about beginning new ministries, starting new churches, making disciples, and seeing God do new works all around us.
Present day Lakeview Baptist Church
In 1957, our church again felt God leading them to begin a new work, and Meadowbrook Baptist Church was planted. Many members from the FBC congregation made 10 year pledges to serve and tithe in the Meadowbrook church to ensure it started with a firm foundation. Mrs. Katie Phillips’ late husband, Bro. Don Phillips was the founding pastor of Meadowbrook Baptist Church.
Present day Meadowbrook Baptist Church
In 1981, we began our first short-term mission trips with the Alabama Carpenters, and since that time, there have been many in our congregation to commit time and energy to serving through short-term opportunities. Through the 1990s, FBC experienced great growth and the 80 year old sanctuary was bursting at the seams even with having two Sunday morning services to accommodate the growing attendance. The decision to build was made, and in the year 2000, a Worship Facility was dedicated that includes new offices, education space, nursery, and a youth department.
Present day First Baptist Oxford
The FBC history is a beautiful testimony to the people of God on the journey of faithfulness to the mission of God. By the best of our records, from our beginning until now, over 1900 people have been baptized through the ministries of FBC and First Baptist Oxford is directly responsible for the starting of at least 5 mission churches that are still faithfully preaching the gospel to this day. May the First Baptist Oxford legacy be to the praise and glory of our great God.